new buttons mapping (finally logical :))
Cybertracers » Devlog
I updated keyboard and controller mapping.
I think its more logical, than previous.
P0 - up, down, left, right, portal: del, addr: end, mines: home, hammer: ins, pause: esc
P1 - w, s, a, d, portal: z,y, address: x mines: e, hammer: q, pause: esc
P2 - i, k, j, l, portal: n, address: m , mines: o, hammer: u, pause: esc
P3 - 8, 5, 4, 6, portal: 1, address: 0, mines: 9, hammer: 7, pause: esc
Xbox gamepads (one,360)
move - dpad or left stick, portal: A, address: X, mines: B, hammer: Y, pause: options button
Generic gamepad (not Xinput compatible) - custom mapping needed.
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local couch multiplayer game up to 8+ players in snake and tron-like style
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